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I accept payment through Paypal and Venmo. Please notify and send me screenshot proof that you sent in payment.

will draw:

real people



canon characters

Will not draw:

Nsfw (nudes are an exception)

nudes of minors

offensive materials



Payments (extra info):

- Going by 50/50 rule, pay after sketch has been approved and pay the rest once its done. (unless the piece in question is a sketch)


- Base prices can increase depending on complexity of the design.




- Commission can get done within a day to 3 weeks.


- Deadlines should be discussed before I begin.


- I keep copyright to all illustrations I've created unless the contract states otherwise.


- Once I finish the piece completely, hand in the rest of the 50% before revealing the final product.

Changes and refunds:

- the first 3 changes on sketch is free

anymore and it'll be $2 extra per change.


- Refunds are possible if work hasn't been done yet. Otherwise, it'll be a $4 charge if a sketch has been done.


-For changes, please type them all in one messages to avoid a pile up of charges.



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